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‘Objective Structured Assessment of Cataract Surgical Skill (OSACSS).’
‘Editors choice’ presentation (by invitation), AAO meeting 2007.
‘Screening for thiopurine methyl transferase (TPMT) status prior to azathioprine use in thyroid eye disease (TED).
Poster presentation at ESOPRS 2006, London
‘National DCR practice’.
Presented at joint ESOPRS/BOPSS meeting, 2006.
‘Ocular Motion Tracking Analysis of Basic Oculoplastic Surgical Skills’.
ASOPRS 2006.
An original use for the 16x magnification slit lamp lens.
Poster presentation at the World Ophthalmic Congress 2006, Sao Paulo
‘Minimising risk of intra-cranial entry during orbital decompression using a radiological classification.’
Poster Presentation, ESOPRS, Crete, 2005.
‘Nasolacrimal duct obstruction: Digital subtraction dacryocystography compared to clinical assessment alone.’
Oral Presentation, ESOPRS, Crete, 2005. (3rd author)
‘Sub-tenon anaesthesia: reduced rates of sub-conjunctival haemorrhage with localised conjunctival cautery’.
Presented at ESCRS, Paris 2004.
Nd:YAG capsulotomy and its effect on refractive status in patients with silicone foldable lenses.
Poster presentations at ESCRS 2004, Paris
‘Computerized Chromatic Contrast Threshold Measurement Study of Digoxin Therapy’.
Presented at EVER meeting, Portugal 2004.
‘The impact of cellular phone usage on ophthalmic equipment.’
Poster presentation EVER 2004, Vilamoura
‘Macular hole surgery: long term visual prognosis with chromatic contrast threshold assessment’.
Presented at American Academy of Ophthalmology, New Orleans 2004.
‘Change in fibre content of Bruch’s membrane with age’.
Poster presentation at ARVO, Florida, May 2000.
Ophthalmic Plastic Surgical Skill Assessment Tool (OPSSAT)
Oral Presentation at BOPSS 2007, Leeds. First Prize – Best Paper.
Motion Analysis in the Evaluation of Ophthalmic Plastic Surgical Skill.
Oral Presentation at BOPSS 2007, Leeds
Lateral Canthal Suture placement during Lateral Tarsal Strip Surgery.
Oral Presentation at BOPSS 2007, Leeds
‘Chromatic threshold measurements as a long term prognostic guide for quality of life in patients undergoing macular hole repair’.
Poster presented at RCOphth Congress 2004.
‘Long term visual prognosis of macular hole surgery using chromatic contrast threshold measurement’.
Poster presentation at Oxford Congress, 2004.
‘Spontaneous orbital auto-decompression in thyroid ophthalmopathy’.
Oral Presentation at BOPSS 2004 meeting.
‘Vicarious menstruation in primary localised conjunctival amyloidosis’.
Poster presentation at MCLOSA, London, November 2003.
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