Category: Pediatric

Lacrimal Gland Abnormalities

What is Pediatric Cataract?

Pediatric cataract refers to the clouding of the lens in a child’s eye, which can impair vision. Unlike cataracts in adults, which are often age-related, pediatric cataracts can be present at birth or develop during childhood. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial to prevent long-term vision problems or blindness. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment […]
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Pediatric Ophthalmology

What is the common eye problem in children?

Common Eye Problems in Children Children’s eye health is a crucial aspect of their overall development and well-being. Early detection and treatment of eye problems can prevent long-term vision issues and support proper learning and development. A variety of eye problems can affect children, ranging from common refractive errors to more complex conditions. In this […]
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